Oscar Daniel Rodríguez Jiménez



20th Century Fox, one of the world's leading production companies, has an extensive catalog of films, including notable titles such as “Deadpool 2.”


To celebrate the release of their film on multiple streaming platforms, 20th Century Fox commissioned us to create a satellite landing page with the purpose of informing users about all the options available to watch the film.

The solution involved thoroughly researching the audience, providing viewing options through direct links to the platforms, and optimizing the landing page for fast loading. The focus on effective planning allowed critical tasks to be prioritized and meet the pressing deadline.

An application was developed that offers access to all digital publications, including adult content. An age verification system was implemented at the start of the application, various subscription plans were offered to suit the needs of users, and the digital platform was actively promoted. These solutions allowed GINmedia to catch up in the digital world, attract new subscribers and provide an accessible and secure experience for its users.


Identification of key demographics, content consumption preferences and online search behaviors. We also conduct brief surveys and analysis of online audience data to better understand the characteristics of the audience that might be interested in the film.


To address the website weight issue, we would optimize page performance by using lazy loading and media compression technologies, ensuring a faster experience for users. Additionally, we would incorporate the movie trailer so that it would be a choice for visitors and not a mandatory burden. Lastly, we would ensure that the work is completed on a tight deadline and with efficiency to meet the urgency of the project.


This project highlights the importance of research and optimization in web design to ensure a positive user experience and success in promoting online content.