Oscar Daniel Rodríguez Jiménez

Release the Poker Star inside you


PokerStars is a global platform for playing online poker from the comfort of your home, providing an exciting and accessible experience for players of all levels.


PokerStars, recently entered the Mexican market, launched a series of exceptional advertising banners that were spread on high-level platforms.

PokerStars' main challenge lay in its diverse audience, made up of varied profiles and ages. Furthermore, since it was a new product, there was little information about the user and what their interaction with the platform would be like.

To address PokerStars' challenge, user research strategies were implemented, conducting surveys and data analysis to better understand the preferences and behaviors of the diverse audience. In addition, a user-centered design process was carried out, with usability tests and interactive prototypes, to ensure an attractive and functional experience for all user profiles.


Interviews were conducted and information was collected on users' gaming preferences, online behaviors, and expectations. Additionally, usability testing and heuristic evaluation were performed to identify areas for improvement in the interface and user experience.


Specific segmentations were created to adapt the platform to different demographic groups and personalized functions were implemented to meet the needs and expectations of each user. The introduction of interactive tutorials also helped guide new users through the platform intuitively. These measures helped improve accessibility and user satisfaction on PokerStars.


Overall, the project managed to offer an exciting and attractive experience for users of different profiles and ages, thus consolidating the success of PokerStars in the Mexican market.