Problem Statement:
The Sport Tenis company is located in Querétaro, it has a history of more than 10 years in the local market through offline purchases, with a point of sale in a shopping plaza where its users traditionally trust its quality, price and guarantee. Due to the pandemic, Sport Tenis' income has decreased by below 70%.
- Desktop research
- Interview with stakeholders
Sport Tenis faces the challenge of competing with consolidated stores with greater distribution, aggravated by the fact that its clientele was mostly young and sporadic.
Sport Tenis, with a strong presence in its home state, Querétaro, was faced with growing user demand, which prompted it to explore new distribution alternatives to maintain a catalog constantly updated and accessible to customers.
Business objectives
Create the Sport Tennis online store (e-commerce) with the aim of cushioning the drop in sales, increasing your income flow by 30% through the web and promoting health security to your customers.
Research objectives:
- Locate the user's needs that lead them to buy offline through a branch.
- Locate the user's needs that lead them to buy offline through a branch.
- Describe the relationship between users who traditionally go to the store and what would motivate them to change their purchasing channel to the web.
- Define users who generally make purchases per year in clothing or footwear stores.
- Offline users prefer to go directly to the branch because they distrust digital media.
- Online users believe that there is a greater range of products through digital tools.
- Online users believe that there is a greater range of products through digital tools.
Público objetivo:
Segmentos relevantes:
- Usuarios digitales de entre 18 a 40 años que realizan más de 10 compras digitales anuales.
- Usuarios tradiciones de 18 a 40 años que vayan a sucursal durante la pandemia.
- Usuarios de 18 a 40 años que nunca hayan hecho una compra online.
Information synthesis
This research provided valuable data to design an app that not only met the needs of the target audience but also stood out against the competition.
Online shopping trends, user expectations regarding the shopping experience, and strategies used by competitors were analyzed. In addition, surveys and interviews were conducted to collect direct information from potential clients of Sport Tenis.
User Persona

Empathy map
We chose a profile more like Angelina's, based on the objective. Bring more traditional users to online interaction with the new site.

User Journey

This research provided valuable data to design an app that not only met the needs of the target audience but also stood out against the competition.
Action plan for creating their Design System
Analysis. The first step I would carry out is a visual analysis of the brand. Getting documentation of what styles, type of programming, coding extracts and information that is being used to highlight the visual qualities of the application.
Design.Once the design has been analyzed, the construction of a visual language would begin, which would be made up of all the components that build the application. Building it from main categories: colors, fonts, sizes and spacing and iconography. Once you have the most representative visual elements, a collection of all the representative patterns and components of the design that will structure it would be made, such as: buttons, navigation menu, text blocks, product listing, etc. (atomic design)
Documentation. Each of the previously mentioned aspects of the application would have to be registered and standardized in some document or testing platform. In the case of Sport Tennis, work would be done in the first instance with DSM (Sketch plugin) involving other areas that are also making up the creation. of e-commerce so that with their feedback the design of the system is strengthened.
Prototyping. It would have to be prototyped thinking about the platform and thus be able to have a perspective and hierarchy of the information that will be displayed.
Construcción. In the case of e-commerce, the decision was made to make it a web platform that can only be consulted if you are connected to the institutional network or through a VPN to safeguard the information (systemdesign.sporttenis.com.mx).
Assessment. El sistema tendrá que ser aprobado por la mayoría de los involucrados, poniendo a prueba lo documentado e incluso el sistema de diseño en sí. Promoviendo la colaboración y depositando el conocimiento adquirido durante el desarrollo del ecommerce.
Release/iteration. Finally, it could be shared with external e-commerce teams so that any stakeholder can communicate, preview, design and develop from the system. In updating issues, a couple of people will be responsible for the update, audit and decision to add new information to the design system.

Purchase workflow

Given this situation, the need arose to develop an application that, in addition to functioning as a sales tool, could operate as a responsive website to adapt to different devices and provide an optimal user experience.
Applied to

WOW moments
”…. It is more convenient to buy online and usually cheaper than if you go to the store.”
”…. I would hope they have more variety. And if they don't have them, get them and send them to me.”
"... whenever I buy I look at the reviews of other buyers."
"...you quickly know that he has all kinds of shoes."
- The estimated arrival date is missing, it is important for the purchase decision.
- 100% of users tried to search for an article immediately through the search engine.
- The average to make a purchase from start to finish in the Sport Tenis store is 2:30 minutes.
- 100% of users completed the transaction.
- 80% of users consider that there should be more filtering tools from Home.
- On a Likert scale, users rate the app with a 9, because it lacks interaction and cannot be fully navigated.
- Send the tracking guide by email or download the purchase order from the site.
- They suggest a chat assistant.
The developed application not only met customer expectations but also acted as an effective tool to attract and retain users looking for sports shoes. Market research allowed us to better understand the preferences of the target audience and adapt the application effectively, consolidating the presence of Sport Tenis in the local market.